Wednesday, January 14, 2009

666 Horror/Paranormal Book Challenge

Hoping this is the last challenge for now, I'm adding the 666 Horror/Paranormal Book Challenge hosted by M. Romantic to my seemingly endless challenge list.

The 666 challenge is called so because the requirements are this:
1.) You must choose 6 of the categories below.
2.) For each category, you must read 6 books for each.
3.) You must read at least 6 different authors. Variety is the spice of life, isn’t it?

Do you have to read 36 books, though? No. Some books can certainly be put under multiple categories. For example, Twilight has both vampire and werewolves, so that can be put under both categories.

If you want to see what an example of your post page would look like, just view here.

Sound simple enough? If not, of course you can leave a comment and I would be more than happy to clear things up for you.

The horror categories are as follows, though not limited to. You must pick SIX different categories to read books about. If you have an idea for a suggested category, simply leave me a comment with it. Keep in mind it has to have something to do with horror, thriller, the supernatural and/or monsters.

1. Vampires
2. Werewolves
3. Witches/Warlocks
4. Psychics
5. Human’s with special powers (like telepathy, telekinesis, etc).
6. Creatures from other worlds
7. Horror creatures/Monsters
8. Ghosts/Poltergeists
9. Paranormal creatures/events
10. Killers/Stalkers
11. Demons

You are free to come up with your own categories (you can even suggest them in the comments). Above are just some of my suggestions.

Books can be in more than one category. They can also be fiction or nonfiction. Yes, a book about haunted places in the US will count as as a book about ghosts, for example.


1. You must read 6 books in 6 categories by at least 6 authors
2. Books must be horror, thriller, or supernatural.
3. You cannot include audiobooks, journals, comic books, or manga. You can include ebooks.
4. Keep a running book count/completed list.
5. If rereading a book, you have to have finished it at least a year ago.
6. Books can overlap categories.
7. You can use books for this challenge that you are reading for other challenges.
8. This challenge will run January 1, 2009-December 31, 2009.

My books read and the categories will follow here:

1) Vampires
2) Killers/Stalkers
3) Witches/Warlocks
4) Werewolfes

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