Marcia from
The Printed Page is hosting the Mailbox Mondays, where participants reveal which books they had in their mailbox in the past week.

Rutu Modan: Exit Wounds (for the Graphic Novel Challenge)
The Jewish Museum here currently has anexhibition on graphic novels and comics by Jewish artists/authors. The comics range from Superman to Maus and it's simply awesome! Rutu Modan will be one of the people coming for a special event at the museum and will be talking about Exit Wounds, so I figured I'd read it and maybe even go to the event.

Jill Shalvis: Instant Attraction (for the 2009 Pub Challenge and the Countdown Challenge)
The girls at
The Book Binge had an entire week, I think filled with posts about this novel and it sounded right up my alley, so I just had to get it! I read an excerpt already and enjoyed it so much, I doubt this book will be waiting on Mt TBR for too long! The story revolves around Katie, a young woman who leaves her home after a near-fatal accident, and Cameron, a former snowboarder whose career ended after an accident. Katie finds herself in a small Californian town where she begins working for Wilder Adventures and Expeditions - the company owned by Cameron and his brothers...

Rachel Gibson: Tangled Up In You (for Romance Challenge)
I've always enjoyed Rachel Gibson's novels a lot, and when I checked her website I realized that this one I don't know yet.

Cindy Gerard: Show No MercyI found this romantic suspense novel by chance only, and I think I'll be really glad to have found it! Two years after she was held captive in Buenos Aires, journalist Jenna McMillan returns for two reasons: She gets to interview a secretive billionaire and wants to search for the man who saved her. When a bomb explodes at the National Congress, Jenna and the man who saved her have to team up to escape from an enemy stalking them with deadly precision...

Merline Lovelace: Devlin And The Deep Blue Sea (for the Harlequin/Silhouette Romance Reading Challenge)
I have been searching for a book with some sort of water in its title for the challenge since I joined it without any real success, until I read the review for this one on the blog of another participant. It sounds wonderful and when I checked Amazon, they had one copy left - which ended up here with me!
And I have to say, I love the cover! ;-)

Marie Ferrarella: The Bride With No Name I read my first book by Marie Ferrarella only a few days ago and I loved it - so I had to get another one!
This is part of a four (?) book series called "Kate's Boys". Restaurateur Trevor Marlowe rescues a woman from the sea and takes her in when he realizes she doesn't remember her name or her life before he pulled her from the sea.

Jill Shalvis & Jacquie D'Alessandro & Jamie Sobrato: Heating Up The Holidays - A Hunky Holiday Collection (for the Harlequin/Silhouette Romance Reading Challenge and the Erotica Challenge)
This is the probably oiliest cover I've seen in all my life! I don't know how much oil they splashed on the poor guy, and I sure don't want to know, but I have the feeling that, if you spilled the same amount of oil in the North Sea, you'd have a problem at hand... But luckily, it's not about the cover, but about the content, the three stories written by 3 authors I haven't read yet. Well, without realizing it I got two books by Jill Shalvis this week and I have a feeling I'll read both rather sooner than later!