Monday, March 8, 2010

New layout and new header

Please don't forget to check out my giveaway celebrating 50 followers!

As you probably already realized, I have a new blog template and a new header. I completely forgot to mention this yesterday. Sorry!

My awesome brother helped me with the header and I think it's awesome. In fact, he even helped me with a button, which you can grab if you want. You can find it in the right-hand bar. (If you do, let me know so I can return the favor!) I really like my new button, especially because it's my sweetie reading *wink*

Also, this blog now has its own Facebook page, just in case you're curious!

Secret Dreamworld of a Bookaholic

Promote Your Page Too

Oh, and Kathrin Dreamworld Ofa Bookaholic - that would be me!


  1. Your header and blog looks great. I like the simple, white look.

  2. Thanks, Louise :-) I like what my brother did with the header. And as much as I enjoyed the old, black template, I really didn't like the color of the writing - that beige was yucky... ;-)

  3. I like the new header a lot! The cat reminds me a little bit of my sister's cat. She loves books, especially lying on top of them. The white background is easy on the eyes too. Congratulations on reaching over 100 followers! That is fantastic!

  4. Thanks Christina. The cat's actually my Sano, the survivor who is now confined to the house (long story that started with the death of Sano's brother).

    Anna, thanks :-) Glad you do!
